- The Wei - From D¢ENT Ventures
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- About

A D¢ENTralized Web3 Product Development Studio
We are a group of Web3 pros intent on exploring the limits of how decentralized technologies, namely NFTs & Smart Contracts, can be used to create better experiences across gaming, phygital (physical+digital) goods, retail, art & entertainment, and disruption-ready legacy industries.
Our unconventional business model is part software development & product design studio, and part media & marketing agency, constituted by a distributed team of talented Web3 natives with a shared vision for a decentralized future.
A Brief History of D¢ENT
This venture started, by all accounts, back in 2017. The original founder, Alexander Meyer was burned out from a 3-year marathon to open a craft brewery (with a crypto-twist) in Orange County, California. Having been a crypto-enthusiast since 2013 and a recent non-fungible convert, he needed something to take his mind off his entrepreneurial hangover. The allure of diving headlong into NFTs called to him.
D¢ENT started as D¢ENT Co. A phygital lifestyle brand, experimenting with the combination of NFTs with limited edition real-world goods and apparel. This was perhaps a bit ahead of its time and needed further development, more capital than what was available, and perhaps a more mature market to really take off.
It trundled along for a couple of years, with some fun product launches and brand partnerships under its belt. One of which opened the door for Alexander to take a full-time role as VP of Design/UX, and later VP of Web3 at an alternative social media startup, Flote. Enter founder no. 2. George Pranis.
George was hired as a biz-dev manager, working closely with Alexander in the Web3 department. They quickly become tight friends and colleagues, collaborating on a number of projects from a social token, to a defi DAO, and various NFT collections. However, two years in, Flote folded. Sadly, before any of the hard work they had put into the company had a chance to see the light of day… Save a few NFTs.
But the duo had something in the works during their time with Flote. They had devised what was to become Pixel Raffle. With this project underway and a whole lot of time on their hands, they set to work to bring it to market.
At the same time that Flote was sinking, Alexander was consulting for a client on a Web3-integrated VR and Mobile videogame called Kite Fitghter Worldwide. That client later became the 3rd founder. Bill Bingham. A seasoned entrepreneur with a killer business sense.
Thus, the conditions we right for the project to take a new form. D¢ENT Ventures.
Modeled in the image of a “venture studio”, our approach is to identify opportunities and emerging trends in the web3 market and rapidly develop products and brands around the solutions. Through quick MVPs, market validation, and agile iteration we can test a variety of experiments. Those that take will be added to our portfolio, spun off into independent businesses, and/or licensed or sold to enterprising teams that want to step in and leverage what we’ve built.
To date, we have completed one product release. That being Pixel Raffle. Upon the launch in September 2023, we learned that both the market timing and our marketing model were not ideal. Now in a state of iteration, we are preparing to relaunch it once the next crypto bull market is confirmed, as a SAAS platform for companies, creators, and projects to use to launch their NFT collection, in a way that has never been seen before.
In the interim, we have turned our attention to providing value to the community. As avid researchers, builders and users of web3 products we feel we have unique insights to share with the community. This offering comes in the form of an online publication and a free newsletter called The Wei. Interested to know what we’re keeping an eye on going into the next bull cycle? Subscribe below.
Our Mission
We are building a radically new & improved wave of d¢entralized properties with a focus on intuitive, engaging, and scalable web3 products.
By creating fun & easy-to-use blockchain-based experiences for consumers; And valuable SAAS platforms for businesses to leverage the power of smart contracts, we will develop a high-profile portfolio of unicorn brands that successfully onboard the next million+ web3 users.
What We’re Working On

The Wei
Status: Live
A gamified newsletter for the web3 space that blurs the line between readers and contributors. Our tokenized bounty model incentivizes subscribers to be our eyes and ears, hunting down and submitting the best alpha and hottest leads, as well as contributing original content, and helping to build our audience.

Pixel Raffle
Status: Preparing for relaunch
A gamified NFT minting platform that features a fully automated, 100% on-chain, and provably fair raffle system. Collections that mint on Pixel Raffle can leverage this feature to build significant hype and excitement for their project.
Here’s how it works. All NFTs start out in their pre-revealed state as raffle tickets. Once the full collection has been minted, one of the NFT holders will be randomly selected by the smart contract to win a percentage of the collection revenue.
pixelraffle.io | @pixelraffle on X

8-Bit Legends
Status: Paused
An epic multi-title web3 game ecosystem inspired by the style, aesthetics, and game loops of the 90’s. Use, grow and evolve your playable PFP through an ever expanding series of games. Level them up and amass an inventory of assets and riches along their path to becoming an 8-Bit Legend.
The development of this game is currently paused due to the high development cost to produce such a product. We are currently looking for investors to help us secure the resources we need to bring this game to market. Interested? Reach out!

Kite Fighter Worldwide
Status: In development
The free-to-play demo will be available for Android devices soon. To make sure you know when the game is about to drop, we suggest subscribing to The Wei.
The Founding Team
![]() | Alexander Meyer |
![]() | George Pranis |
![]() | Bill Bingham |